Discovering A Masterpiece…

I am often asked where I get the topics for my blogs. It seems that ideas are constantly running through my restless mind. Even so, there are rational reasons behind my eloquent use of words. I am connected to my topics in some way. In most instances, I have learned a valuable lesson from an experience. In other occasions, I’ve been slapped in the face by something so amazing that I want my followers to experience my joy. In all blogs, my desires are to inspire, encourage, and say “thank you” to the special people who contribute to my gallery of experiences.

As I shared previously, I am the principal of McCord School. McCord is a fabulous place to LEARN, WORK, and GROW! “Discovering Our Masterpieces” is our brand. Our brand fits us JUST RIGHT! “McCord’s Masterpieces” rolls off the tongue like the title of a Shakespearean opera. Everyone connected to McCord School has a unique skill set or talent that contributes to our success. I am going to showcase a McCord Masterpiece. You may already know her, she has been teaching for more than 4 decades!!! No, she isn’t sitting in a rocker in the corner of the media center waiting for story-time with the primaries. She is just the opposite.

Mrs. B is a first-grade teacher. Anyone who has raised, taught, or babysat a 6-year-old knows that there isn’t any “down time” when there is a 6-year-old around! Mrs. B. keeps her kids thinking, learning and exploring! While Mrs. B is an exceptional teacher, it is her personal love for learning and wealth of knowledge that make her a Masterpiece! After all, quite a few things have changed since Mrs. B picked up her first paint brush! Not only have the textbooks and standards changed; we are now co-mingling in the digital age! Mrs. B has embraced the digital world with the flair of an accomplished artist. I remember when she first came into my office for a quick lesson on “tweeting.” She said, “Just show me. I might not get it the first time but if I keep trying, I’ll get something right!” Well history has been made, last week, Mrs. B. received a “Most Valuable Tweeter” certificate. Tweeting is not the only thing Mrs. B has claimed as her own. When a new strategy is introduced, rest assured that it will land in Mrs. B.’s classroom! Mrs. B. is a true inspiration! She is teaching the children of her previous students and they all have wonderful memories of their days in first grade. Mrs. B always lends a helping hand and attends all district and school functions.  She is a wealth of knowledge, a walking encyclopedia of McCord history! Her contributions to our gallery are priceless!

Mrs. B. is a McCord Masterpiece!

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2 thoughts on “Discovering A Masterpiece…”

  1. Beautiful post! I have loved her since the first day I sat down in room 107 in 1980. I am happy to call her my colleague now!

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