A Lesson in Civility

I am totally in an almost “stumper” not a dumper; yes, a “stumper.”  I consider “stumpers” to be crossroads between north and south, the temporary plateau before deciding your destination.  The incident that brought me here is not detrimental, as a matter of fact, the problem was quickly solved by my secretary.  While the matter was handled and none of the planets collided, my left and right planets bumped edges. I, being in the middle started to tilt.  I won’t say which way I tilted, but I will say, that there was a moment when my equilibrium was a little imbalanced.  I know, you are probably wondering, what happened.  In retrospect, the incident is not as extreme as one would expect, but nonetheless, the incident happened.  Here’s the short version of a story that could have numerous chapters.  I am confident that it is a short story because today is a new day, and I am heading north! 

Well, yesterday I decided to provide treats for my team at our after-school meeting.  One of my teachers, made pineapple cup cakes to enhance the Luau theme.  I went all out with the Luau theme, decorations, plates, and attire.  I had planned my work and worked my plan! One day, I purchased decorations, paper goods, and nonperishable food items.  On the night before the meeting, after attending a district event, I stopped at my local grocer to purchase a fresh fruit tray.  On the following morning, I brought the luscious fruit tray to work.  After morning announcements, the sealed fruit tray, that was inside a plastic bag, was placed in the refrigerator in the staff lounge.  I would like to believe that the fruit tray remained safe for 2 hours, but I am not certain.  Some how the fruit tray became lunchtime dessert. 

This is where the galaxy started to shift!  My left and right planets discovered the devoured fruit tray and instantly reacted with dismay!  Mind you, one planet is massive; she’s likely to bump the Sun and remain standing!  The other planet floats throughout the galaxy, keeping everyone on a steady course, reminding us that we can overcome minute obstacles with a plan.  I am not certain of the words exchanged between the planets, but I am certain that both were equally disappointed and did not want the planned event to be spoiled!  The tranquil planet ran to the store to purchase a fruit tray.  The massive planet shared her thoughts regarding the inappropriate actions of someone while washing bowls for the event.  When I returned to the office, the tranquil planet was faced with telling me the story.  I was challenged with moving forward, having an enjoyable meeting with my team, and ultimately teaching a lesson.  After regrouping, I told the tranquil planet, I wouldn’t say anything about the fruit tray at the meeting. I have since gone home, digested the situation, and now see this as an opportunity to model civility.

I often tell my teachers that parents send us their best!  Parents are not keeping the “good” kid at home and sending us the “problem” kid, they send their best!  Sometimes their “best” just makes a mistake, we are teachers and we guide!  I have no idea what actions led to the fruit tray becoming a lunchtime dessert.  I have no idea who removed the tray from the refrigerator but I hope the incident is a learning lesson for all. 

Lesson 1: Ask before you take what isn’t yours.

Lesson 2: Take ownership of your actions.

Lesson 3: Be a problem solver.

Lesson 4: Know when to walk away.

Lesson 5:  Don’t dwell in the past!

I never imagined that a fruit tray could be the main character in a short story about civility!

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