Ed and I recently returned from his family reunion, an event that was on the brinks of being cancelled. Our 4-day getaway to the Gulf was shorten to 3 days and a portion of our family mingling-time was spent monitoring the unpredictable path of Hurricane Barry. Our plane had safely landed in New Orleans on Thursday but our return flight on Monday was skeptical. Weather forecasts portrayed Barry as being horrific; his massive force likened to Hurricane Katrina! On every weather channel, viewers saw a weather reporter either pointing to a colorful map or standing in boot high water battling with the wind. After a day of experiencing Mother Nature’s rage, we opted to leave the Gulf a day earlier than originally planned.
Confident that our path home had been secured, we hopped in a rental car and headed to Kessler Air Force base in Biloxi, Mississippi for the family reunion festivities! We spent several hours laughing with relatives we hadn’t seen in years, partaking of scrumptious meals, listening to music, and playing games. On the last day of the festivities, Tony, President of the Wash/Jones Family Reunion Committee, called for a family meeting. The objective was to select a host and a hosting city for the next family reunion. As one might expect, securing a volunteer for the monumental task required some persuading. Generally, people are hesitant to journey into the dark unknown.
While enticing someone to grasp the family reunion torch, Tony spoke of family traditions and the importance of being connected to family and friends. He simplified the process of hosting a family reunion by detailing his organizational skills and giving accolades to those who had helped to plan this year’s celebration. As he continued to lure a future host, he spoke of psychological security. He mentioned that he ensures psychological security at work when collaborating with his leadership team. He emphasized that there is no right or wrong way to plan a family reunion. He stated that the greatest task would be getting started and added, “once you get started, others will pitch in.” He mentioned that several family members had hidden talents and those skills would be an asset to the future host. As he continued to talk, a brave soul assumed the torch for the 2020-21 Wash/Jones Family Reunion. While listening, I reflected on the impact of psychological security in the school environment. I wondered if some teachers were resistant to implementing new strategies and thinking outside of the box because psychological security had not been established. My second thought… How could I advance psychological security in my school?
Psychological security ensures that individuals feel emotionally safe when venturing into the unknown. Psychological security in the workplace is like a safety net to a trapeze artist. The net assures that if the acrobat falls, he or she will recover, grip the horizontal bar, and swing again! It is a welcomed layer of protection! With his mere words, Tony had ensured psychological security. A brave soul had seized the family reunion torch. As a school leader, I must inspire confidence in my teachers. I want them to be innovative and passionate about teaching. I want them to venture into the dark unknown!