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I  am Dr. Sharon A. Walker-Hood, principal of  Frances. B. McCord School. McCord is an awesome school that welcomes kids in grades kindergarten through 6.  I honestly believe that we have the potential to be distinguished as a Blue-Ribbon School! We just need to harness our potential and move forward.  Our kids are inquisitive, creative, and fun-loving.  They come from diverse backgrounds but are genuinely accepting of each other.  They work and play hard.  I have an amazing team of teachers, staff, and parents that are committed to ensuring that our kids receive the best instruction possible in a fun-loving environment. 

This is our story from good to great, our kids are Masterpieces waiting to be Discovered!  It is an awe-inspiring journey; follow Frances B. McCord School on Twitter @swalkerhood.  Call me the Kids’ Principal because it’s ALL ABOUT KIDS!

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